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Leslie Shreve...

How to Build Trust at Work and Avoid the 5 Behaviors that Break It

Trust is essential to a company’s success. Trust is a cornerstone on which many other necessities are built: leadership, teamwork, culture, and employee engagement just to name a few. Without trust, a company will crumble. Trust is vital between co-workers and leaders, but unfortunately, according to a poll conducted by Maritz Research, “…only 7% of How to Build Trust at Work and Avoid the 5 Behaviors that Break It

What’s Wrong with the Email Advice You’ve Been Given

What experts are leaving out of their advice is stealing your time and wrecking your productivity.   If you’ve ever looked for help to manage your email faster and easier, you’ve likely been led astray. Many experts who give advice about email management treat email as if it can be managed in a vacuum, without What’s Wrong with the Email Advice You’ve Been Given

Do You Know How to Design a Task for Action? Answer These 5 Essential Questions to Get Better Results

A columnist for recently wrote an article about productivity tools and opened his article by saying, “I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find the best tools for staying productive.” The columnist explained that over the years, he had tried a lot of apps, devices, and notebooks. You may feel a kinship with Do You Know How to Design a Task for Action? Answer These 5 Essential Questions to Get Better Results

Looking for the Next Great Productivity Tool? You’re Searching for the Wrong Thing

Key to success

If you’re like most professionals—whether in corporate or in the entrepreneurial space—you may be constantly seeking out a new way to solve the productivity challenges in your workday. You might be looking for… …a better tool to help with email. …a new time management hack. …a new planner to help you prioritize. …a new task Looking for the Next Great Productivity Tool? You’re Searching for the Wrong Thing

Replace Resolutions with Becoming Who You’re Meant to Be

It’s that time of year again. Time for New Year’s Resolutions. You may try each year to make changes and improvements in your health, home, life, relationships, or work, but you can easily become frustrated—even overwhelmed—because of all of the things you’d like to fix or change. Many would say to make a list and Replace Resolutions with Becoming Who You’re Meant to Be

10 Simple Strategies for Sending and Receiving Fewer Emails

Like most professionals, you’re probably overwhelmed by email overload. The number of emails sent and received continues to rise every year and we’re all feeling it. But when you stop to think about the flow of emails, it’s “give and take.” It’s a back-and-forth process that takes two or more people to create the flow. 10 Simple Strategies for Sending and Receiving Fewer Emails

What NOT to Do in Your Task Planning Process and the ONE Essential Element to Add that Will Make Getting Things Done a Lot Easier

I run across bad advice from time to time and today, I’m calling out one bit of advice that must be addressed. If you’ve found or followed this advice in the past, I want to help you understand that it’s NOT going to serve you or give you the kind of progress I know you’re What NOT to Do in Your Task Planning Process and the ONE Essential Element to Add that Will Make Getting Things Done a Lot Easier

Think Success, Not Survival: The Mindset Shifts to Turn Your Workday Around

Business man with Help sign

What beliefs do you have about your workday? In his book, Thinking for a Change, John Maxwell says, “a belief is not just an idea that you possess; it is an idea that possesses you.” No matter what your beliefs, you can be sure they are driving your reality. What you’re experiencing right now at Think Success, Not Survival: The Mindset Shifts to Turn Your Workday Around

The Worst Email Advice You’ll See and Why Never to Follow It

Countless surveys, reports, and studies are showing that employee burnout is continuously on the rise. Thank you, Captain Obvious, right? I bet you don’t need any studies or surveys to tell you that one. But in case you weren’t aware of recent findings, here are a few stats to know… #1 – According to a The Worst Email Advice You’ll See and Why Never to Follow It

6 Reasons Why Categories Are Disastrous for Managing Tasks

Your ability to be productive depends on two essential elements that drive planning, prioritizing, and achievement. Categories isn’t one of them. Do you categorize your to-dos, whether by projects or jobs, calls or follow-ups, or by some other aspect of a task? Over the years, I’ve seen countless to-do lists from clients who were just 6 Reasons Why Categories Are Disastrous for Managing Tasks