Looking for the Next Great Productivity Tool? You’re Searching for the Wrong Thing

If you’re like most professionals—whether in corporate or in the entrepreneurial space—you may be constantly seeking out a new way to solve the productivity challenges in your workday.

You might be looking for…

…a better tool to help with email.
…a new time management hack.
…a new planner to help you prioritize.
…a new task app that makes it easier to keep up.
…a new tip to stay organized.

Have you ever thought that each tool or tactic you find is THE missing piece to make your workday easier and more productive?

Some professionals, who are on a continuous hunt have turned it into a hobby of sorts. Does that describe you?

And the more you discover of all the tips, tools, tactics, apps, and hacks, the more you believe you have EVERYTHING covered so you can put it all together to sail on easily and effortlessly.

Except that if you’ve been working for many years and you’ve tried a lot of different things, you know from experience that some of what you tried—or most of what you tried—was NOT the answer.

But before you rev up your search again and start spending your time and money on the next big THING, I want you to understand one thing.

There is no tip, tool, tactic, app, or hack that will solve ALL of your workday productivity problems in total.

What you’ll find—and try to implement—are actually micro-solutions. Mini solutions. Band aids.

These are attempts to solve just ONE part of the management of your work, your time, or your day.

They are individual puzzle pieces to the overall productive day puzzle. And a LOT of pieces will still be missing.  And that means you’ll still be missing out on high efficiency, true productivity and stellar success.

In the past, as you looked for ONE piece at a time, you probably didn’t realize that you had never seen the picture on the box. You didn’t really know what a productive workday looked like or how a highly efficient and productive workday could really work.

What you DO know—if you’ve ever completed a jigsaw puzzle before—is how GOOD you feel once you put all the pieces together—the ones that belong together and work together. You can sit back and relish the complete picture of the puzzle.

At work, that feels like a job well done and time well spent at the end of the day.

You can also get feel-good dopamine hits all throughout the day as you complete tasks and achieve, achieve, achieve. It’s like hitting one home run after during the day. It’s accomplishment you can feel GOOD about.

What you may not realize is that you could be investing your time and your money in bits and pieces that aren’t going to take care of the entirety of your day and the management of all of your work. That means taking care of tasks, email, information, AND time—all in one system using one strategy that ties it all together.

Consider that what you already have access to is all you need. If you have Microsoft Outlook, you’re all set. You actually don’t need any other tools, apps or gadgets.

What you’re really missing is not a THING, but a METHOD you can follow to get RESULTS for you.

What are the results?

Increased efficiency, greater focus, fewer distractions and interruptions, better planning and prioritizing, an empty Inbox, information you can find fast, projects that get completed faster and easier, and so much more.

You likely already have all the technology you need to solve your workday headaches.

What you DON’T have is the method. And the magic is in the method.

Leslie Shreve

Ready for MORE time, LESS stress, and
an EASIER, more productive workday?

Here are 4 ways to get started...
  1. Discover your #1 Productivity Blind Spot and what to do about it when you take our QUIZ.
  2. Get the steps, insights and strategies to start increasing your efficiency and productivity today—and every day going forward for a year!—when you sign up for the
    Productive Day® Smart Steps Audio Series and get your first step today.
  3. Get productivity strategies you can use NOW when you Buy the Taskology Book—an easy-to-read story that teaches the major concepts of the Taskology system.