Overwhelmed Like I Was Back Then? Here’s What You Can Do to Change It

I had a wonderful breakfast with a new friend a few weeks ago and we got onto the topic of mental health at work. More specifically, we talked about how people are dealing with the feelings that come up when they’re overwhelmed with the amount of work they have to do.

Since we were from the same generation, we agreed that “way back then,” early in our careers, crying at work was just NOT something you do.  And by that, we meant outside of REAL emergencies, deaths, and unexpected trauma when others might cry along with you.

But I can remember one time when I DID cry. To my boss.

Yes… I did.

Why? Because I was overwhelmed at work.

Yep… the Type A, get-it-all-done, stay-in-control, owner of Productive Day cried. I was stretched beyond my limits, and I didn’t know what to do about it. Go figure.

It’s a good thing my boss and I had a great working relationship. We shared trust and respect. He talked me through my worries and frustrations. He helped assuage my fears of not keeping up, of not delivering on time, and of the looming crash and burn.

Decades later, I’m hearing the same kinds of fears, frustrations, and overwhelm from professionals every week who come to Productive Day for help and relief. What clients discover through learning Taskology is that while their workload is heavy, it was HOW they were working that wasn’t working.

Efficiencies were lost. Time was lost. Productivity was lost. And as progress was slowing, stress was growing.

But ALL of that changed when they got the solution: a SYSTEM for workload management. They became empowered. They got relief. They got more TIME. And they gained FREEDOM.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated or overwhelmed with your workload and you KNOW time and efficiencies are being lost throughout your day—as well as productivity and progress—you CAN make a change. It’s NEVER too late!!

Now the question is, “How do I get started?” 

So, if you’re having trouble gathering, planning, prioritizing, and accomplishing tasks, take a look at these two Productive Day® articles that will help you clear a new path to progress—one that will get you where you most want to go faster and easier.

👉  This article will help you get a grip on tasks.

👉  This article will help you design tasks for FASTER, EASIER ACTION.

Don’t settle for workdays that don’t work.

Don’t trudge through each day feeling de-motivated, exhausted, and overwhelmed before the day even begins.

It’s time to go in a NEW direction that will bring you HOPE, RELIEF, and more TIME, which will help you get your MOJO back and make your workday FUN again.

Leslie Shreve

Ready for MORE time, LESS stress, and
an EASIER, more productive workday?

Here are 4 ways to get started...
  1. Discover your #1 Productivity Blind Spot and what to do about it when you take our QUIZ.
  2. Get the steps, insights and strategies to start increasing your efficiency and productivity today—and every day going forward for a year!—when you sign up for the
    Productive Day® Smart Steps Audio Series and get your first step today.
  3. Get productivity strategies you can use NOW when you Buy the Taskology Book—an easy-to-read story that teaches the major concepts of the Taskology system.