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Leslie Shreve...

The Consequences of Working in the Dark

An audience member said something to me when I addressed a large group for their annual conference, and I found it to be quite revealing with regard to how productive this man really wanted to be. Here’s what he said: “I wouldn’t want all of my tasks listed in one place. That would be too The Consequences of Working in the Dark

Without This One Skill, You Prohibit Your Productivity, Progress and Potential

Papers, files, information, to-do lists and unfinished work slowly creep across your desk like a lava flow. Email flows into the Inbox, sometimes in a slow, but steady drip and sometimes like a fast-moving river. In one instance, you have a physical pile-up and in the other you have a digital one. Yet, in BOTH Without This One Skill, You Prohibit Your Productivity, Progress and Potential

Creating a To-Do List Every Morning Is the Worst Way to Manage Tasks and Wastes Time You Could be Using to Get Things Done

Did you know? More time is WASTED in your workday than you realize. You go about your day, doing what you’ve always done and you don’t question it, because you’ve seen or heard SO many experts and consultants recommend the process you’re following and you know SO many professionals who follow it alongside you. So, Creating a To-Do List Every Morning Is the Worst Way to Manage Tasks and Wastes Time You Could be Using to Get Things Done

Six Steps to Prevent Interruptions and Distractions from Stealing Your Time and Stalling Your Progress

What kind of interruption or distraction is more costly to your time, focus and progress: receiving a call, an email notification, or an unexpected visitor? Or hearing noise in general? Surprisingly, the answer is “none of the above.” That’s because NONE of these are problematic when you understand how to manage them or better yet, Six Steps to Prevent Interruptions and Distractions from Stealing Your Time and Stalling Your Progress

To Be Highly Agile, You First Must Be Well Prepared

Game-changers in life and in business happen all the time. Some are good, like having a child and now you’re figuring out how to adapt to being a working parent for the first time. Or you’ve just gotten engaged and now you need to plan a wedding. Some are not-so-happy occasions, like the passing of To Be Highly Agile, You First Must Be Well Prepared

Why Stand-Alone To-Do Lists Don’t Work and What to Do Instead

Do you write to-do lists? If so, do you write them on a legal pad or a steno pad or perhaps in a notebook or planner? Or do you use an excel spreadsheet, a task app on your phone or maybe a to-do list somewhere in your computer? Critics of the to-do list, whether paper Why Stand-Alone To-Do Lists Don’t Work and What to Do Instead

Why Workday Efficiency is Essential for Success with an Executive Coach

When working with an executive coach, a leadership coach or any success coach, your aim is to set and achieve high-level goals for your job or business. Whether these are marketing goals, sales goals or growth goals of any kind—you and your coach are going to look for noticeable progress every month, and that progress Why Workday Efficiency is Essential for Success with an Executive Coach

How You Work Can Make or Break Your Efficiency, Productivity, and Results

Get away from the old methods for managing tasks and start using the systems you already have to be more efficient, make more progress, and enjoy less stress. Shifting and competing priorities were bad enough before the pandemic began, but this year, the pace quickened and responsibilities were piled on top of already-heavy to-do lists. How You Work Can Make or Break Your Efficiency, Productivity, and Results

The Solution for Email Overload Won’t Be Found in Special Software, Fancy Apps, or Fly-by-Night Hacks. It’s OUTSIDE of the Email Inbox.

If you asked professionals today about email, most—if not all—would say, “It’s too much to handle.” Email is still the most often used communication method in the business world today and understandably, professionals are overwhelmed by the number of emails received daily. However, there’s been a big misunderstanding. Email itself is NOT the problem. Saying The Solution for Email Overload Won’t Be Found in Special Software, Fancy Apps, or Fly-by-Night Hacks. It’s OUTSIDE of the Email Inbox.

What to Do When Fear Steals Time and Stands in the Way of Productivity and Progress

E-mail is pouring in, the phone is ringing, and others are coming to you with requests. You want to be helpful and responsive and a team player, but lately you feel like your whole day is being lost to interruptions and “squeaky wheels,” and you’re caught in a cycle of REACTIVITY. Instead, you’d like to What to Do When Fear Steals Time and Stands in the Way of Productivity and Progress